
23/05/2024 : Daring Heights

Daring Heights : Innovate, Leap, Succeed
Jeudi 23 mai de 18h30 à 23h00
Port de Suffren - Paris, Île-de-France

​Join us for an exhilarating evening of insights and inspiration on the Seine, hosted by Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) Paris. We are thrilled to present an exclusive event featuring the remarkable Taïg Khris, a world-renowned athlete, entrepreneur, and founder of the disruptive telecom startup, Onoff, set against the majestic backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.

​Event Highlights

  • ​Keynote Speech by Taïg Khris: Dive into Taïg’s extraordinary journey from extreme sports champion to tech entrepreneur. Discover the parallels between the challenges faced in sports and business, and how these lessons can be applied to scaling your ventures and achieving unprecedented success.
  • Q&A Session: Engage with Taïg in an interactive Q&A session. Bring your questions about entrepreneurship, innovation, and overcoming challenges in your own journey.
  • ​Networking Cocktail: Mingle with fellow EO members, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders. Expand your network, exchange ideas, and find potential collaborators in an elegant setting.
  • ​Exclusive Insights: Learn about the latest trends in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Gain unique perspectives that can help propel your business and personal growth.

The Speaker Taïg Khris

Taïg Khris, an icon of extreme sports and a visionary entrepreneur, has transcended the boundaries of possibility on and off the ramp. Known for his world records and X Games triumphs, Taïg has seamlessly transitioned into the business world with the launch of Onoff, revolutionizing how we perceive and use mobile communication. His journey from the pinnacle of extreme sports to the forefront of tech innovation embodies the spirit of resilience, creativity, and relentless pursuit of excellence.

TogethetWeGrow – TrustAndRespect – ThirstForLearning – ThinkBigBeBold